On Thursday, Hunter Biden, 54, pleaded guilty to tax evasion in a Los Angeles court. Biden had failed to pay $1.4 million in taxes over the past decade while living a lavish lifestyle marked by drug addiction and the use of sex workers. Biden’s decision to plead guilty came before jury selection, in an attempt to avoid a full trial that could have exposed more details of his private life.

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What Biden’s defense says

Biden’s defense had proposed a deal with prosecutors to resolve the nine counts of tax crimes. However, the deal was not accepted, and Biden decided to plead guilty to avoid trial. “I went to trial in Delaware not realizing the anguish it would cause my family, and I will not put them through that again.”Biden said in a statement.

Hunter Biden is awaiting sentencing for an earlier case in Delaware, where he was found guilty of lying about his drug use to acquire a firearm. A conviction in that case could result in up to 25 years in prison. In California, Judge Mark Scarsi set a sentencing date of December 16, which could include up to 17 years in prison and a fine of up to $1 million.

Biden’s allegations

Biden argued that his tax evasion was an oversight that stemmed from his chaotic life during his drug addiction and the trauma of his brother Beau’s death in 2015. In his statement, he said: “When I was an addict, I didn’t think about my taxes, I thought about surviving.”

Will Joe Biden grant his son a presidential pardon?

The White House has been clear about the possibility of a presidential pardon for Biden. Spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated: “It’s still a ‘no’” when asked about the possibility of President Joe Biden pardoning his son.

Hunter Biden has paid his tax debts and associated penalties. Despite his efforts to reach a plea deal, his final offer on Thursday was his last attempt to avoid trial and prison.

The controversy surrounding Hunter Biden has been exploited by his father’s political opponents, who have unsuccessfully attempted to link the family to corruption. However, Interest in the case has waned with Joe Biden’s possible withdrawal from the presidential race, while Republicans face a new challenge from Vice President Kamala Harris.

Hunter Biden, who has been drug and alcohol free since 2019, currently resides in Malibu and He has continued his career as a painter after obtaining his training at Yale.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hunter-biden-se-declara-culpable-de-evasion-fiscal-obtendra-el-perdon-presidencial-cb20

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