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On Wednesday, December 13, viewers were able to witness the long-awaited final of Best Pastry Chef. After weeks of competition, Julia finally won the competition. For this occasion, the mother spoke about this victory to the newspaper Le Parisien.

His participation in the Best Pastry Chef has arrived “like a hair in the soup”, she explains first. One day, she received a message on her Instagram account, where she is followed by 500 people, asking her to participate in this amateur pastry chef competition. After almost refusing, the young woman finally gives in, saying to herself “why not, it’s destiny”. And Julia was right to follow her instinct since, after being the jury’s favorite six times, she concluded her journey in style by winning the competition, thus landing the opportunity to write her own recipe book: “It’s a bit like the Holy Grail for me. I am passionate about books, pastry in particular, I have a lot of them. Having my own, with my recipes, that too is an outcome that was close to my heart”she confides to Parisian

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This victory is all the more beautiful for Julia as baking has been a bit of a lifeline for her in the face of several medical problems: “At 26, I fell ill and spent almost three years in the hospital, and when I came back, I was really very tired, with very heavy treatments… I found pastry to be like a an outlet that was almost indispensable to me, which allowed me to do something while being at home and being able to rest. It was also a way of giving love to my husband and my son, with whom I could not do much at the time”.

So, this competition was particularly trying for her: “I really fought, I gave a lot, physically, morally, it’s quite hard. I’m no longer twenty years old compared to some people. And then, I have quite heavy and very tiring medical treatment, she emphasizes. This victory is a real revenge for everything I have endured in recent years. Fighting until the end and getting there, getting the victory was a great personal satisfaction”.

For her, each pastry created tells a story. Perhaps this is the key to his success in the competition? “I think I am a very sensitive person and baking is my way of expressing my creativity and my emotions. Cakes should tell stories”, she judges.

But for the future, there is no question of her leaving her job. Julia has decided to take life as it comes without asking too many questions: “I am a lawyer and do not want to undergo a total professional reconversion, but like this competition that happened like that in my life, I want to let fate take its course and see what doors it can open for me ”.

To be continued…


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