September will be a month full of astronomical phenomena that are sure to catch your attention. From meteor showers to a partial lunar eclipse, this month offers several opportunities to enjoy the night sky. According to National Geographic Latin America, these are the most notable events that will occur in the coming weeks.

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Meteor shower

Meteor showers are impressive phenomena that occur when the Earth passes through the trail of particles left by a comet or asteroid. Upon entering the Earth’s atmosphere, these remains disintegrate, creating bright flashes in the sky. During September, two meteor showers will be visible: the Orionids and the Southern Taurids. Although the best time to observe these events will be in October, signs of activity will already begin to appear this month.


The Orionids, originating from comet 1P/Halley, will be visible from September 26 to November 22, 2024. Peak activity is expected between October 20 and 21offering an ideal opportunity for astronomy enthusiasts.

Southern Taurids

On the other hand, the Southern Taurids will be active from September 23 to December 8. However, their visibility is limited, as they rarely produce more than five meteors per hour, even at peak activity. The best chance to see this shower will be on the night of November 4-5.

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To enjoy these phenomena, it is recommended to choose a place away from light pollution, Wear clothing appropriate for the weather, allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness and, above all,enjoy the celestial spectacle.

Partial lunar eclipse

Another notable event in September will be the partial lunar eclipse that will occur on September 18. This phenomenon occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, projecting only part of its shadow on the satellite. Although it will not be as spectacular as a total solar eclipse, the event will attract the attention of many observers.

The eclipse will be visible across much of North America and all of South America. The most notable moment of the eclipse will occur at 8:44 p.m. in Mexico, 9:44 p.m. in Colombia and 11:44 p.m. in Argentina and Chile.

The September Equinox

September will also mark the equinox, a phenomenon that occurs twice a year when the tilt of the Earth’s axis favors neither the northern nor the southern hemisphere. This allows the Sun to illuminate both halves of the planet almost evenly. In 2024, the spring equinox in the Southern Hemisphere, which marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, will occur on September 22.

This event is significant because it means that the hours of daylight and darkness will be almost equal all over the worldwhich represents a change in the seasonal cycle.


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