The phenomenon known as the midnight sun occurs in regions close to the poles. However, when talking about countries close to Colombia, one might wonder If there is a place where it is always daytime.

Although there is no country that exactly meets this description, there are regions in the world that experience long periods of continuous sunlight.

The midnight sun phenomenon

The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the polar regions during the summer. In these places, The sun does not set and remains visible 24 hours a day. This event can be observed in countries such as Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, and parts of Canada and Alaska.

During the summer solstice, these regions experience endless days, allowing residents and visitors to enjoy outdoor activities at any time of day.

What other phenomena occur in these countries in the polar region?

  • Midnight Sun: from approximately April 20th to August 23rd (about 4 months), the sun never sets below the horizon.
  • Polar night: late October to mid-February (about 3.5 months), the sun does not rise above the horizon. Darkness prevails during this time.
  • Transition periods: For the rest of the year, these countries experience a mix of day and night, with rapid changes in day length.

How could these countries be reached from Colombia?

An example of how to travel to these areas of the world is using one of the countries that they usually visit the most called Longyearbyen, located in the Arctic Ocean and belonging to Norway. For this, follow these steps:

  1. Flight from Colombia to Europe: First, take a flight from a major city in Colombia (such as Bogotá, Medellín or Cali) to a major European city such as Oslo, London, Paris or Frankfurt.
  2. Flight to Oslo: If your initial flight does not arrive in Oslo, take a connecting flight to Norway’s capital.
  3. Vuelo a Longyearbyen: Finally, take a flight to Longyearbyen, the main town of Svalbard.

This phenomenon can be observed in countries such as Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and parts of Canada and Alaska.

Photo: Jonathan NACKSTRAND / AFP)

Is there any country close to Colombia that experiences this phenomenon?

Colombia, located in the equatorial region of South America, does not experience the midnight sun phenomenon due to its geographical position. However, a nearby country that has an interesting relationship with sunlight is Ecuador.

Although Ecuador does not experience endless days, its location on the equator allows you to have an almost equal length of day and night throughout the year. This means that in this country, the light from the Sun and the Moon have approximately the same durationwhich creates a balance in terms of sunlight.


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