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Suggested video What products are in season in August?

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According to a study by the University of Barcelona, ​​spotted by Top Healthpeople who regularly eat tomatoes have fewer blood pressure problems and reduce their risk of developing high blood pressure by 36% compared to those who eat them infrequently. According to researchers, it is the lycopene contained in tomatoes that helps maintain the flexibility of blood vessel walls, hence this antihypertensive effect. Tomatoes are also rich in potassium, which helps counteract the harmful effects of sodium on blood pressure. But that’s not the only benefit of this vegetable-fruit!

But this is not the only advantage of tomatoes. This fruit-vegetable is also rich in:

Antioxidant: which helps protect cells from root attacks and prevent many diseases such as cancer or certain cardiovascular diseases;

Chlorine and sulphide: these antitoxic elements help to better filter the body’s waste and protect the liver from certain blockages;

Fiber: tomatoes stimulate digestive secretions and promote the assimilation of meals;

Vitamin C: tomatoes allow better assimilation of iron and calcium.

Tomatoes are also very low in calories, which allows for a light diet. Finally, they are mainly composed of water (94%), which contributes to the hydration of the body and the elimination of toxins. Consumed at the start of a meal, tomatoes calm hunger.

So, there is no question of depriving yourself of tomatoes when they are in season: eat them every day without any problem. Don’t forget to vary the shapes, colors and sizes to benefit from an optimal intake of vitamins and minerals, but also for the joy of your taste buds and your pupils. In winter, it is better to consume it in the form of sauce, concentrate or canned. However, avoid too much tomato concentrate, which is rich in salt, or ketchup, which is rich in sugar and salt.


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