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Getting your children to eat vegetables can sometimes be a real challenge. However, there are many alternatives to tempt them. Generally, we opt, for example, for vegetable nuggets or even waffles made from vegetables. But did you know that it is also possible to slip these foods into… pastries? In fact, for several years now, it has not been uncommon to include vegetables in chocolate cakes in particular. This allows you to replace certain ingredients such as butter.
Today, we’re starting from this idea and sharing with you a chocolate fondant recipe made with just two ingredients: carrots and chocolate. Prepared like this, carrots go unnoticed but toddlers nevertheless benefit from their benefits. So here’s how to do it.
It was dietician Claire Trommenschlager who shared the tip on her Instagram to get children to eat carrots. How to go about it? Simply mix chocolate with carrot. An astonishing association but which is validated by the expert: “Pleasantly surprised by this kind of thick cream / fondant chocolate cake”. Note, depending on the season, you can easily replace the carrot with another vegetable such as pumpkin, avocado or even zucchini. This will also do the job perfectly. It’s up to you to test to choose your favorite combo.
For the ingredients you will need: