A journalist had a big scare when, In the middle of a live broadcast, she was surprised by a shootingThe reporter’s reaction worried viewers, who hoped that nothing bad had happened to her.

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Live shooting

Journalist Allie Spillyards has been with NBC 5, an American news network, since 2017. She has had to give all kinds of information on the air, however, A few days ago she had to face a new challenge when she appeared fearful in front of the cameras due to a public order situation that put her at risk.

On the night of Friday, August 30, 2024, the reporter was talking about the ambush of a group of police officers in which one officer was killed and two others were injured in Dallas.

While recounting the events, The journalist was surprised by the sound of some gunshots in the area, something that caused her to swear and be taken off the air within seconds.

Although they did not give much information about the case, The presenter and production crew present in the area where the shots rang out were confirmed to be okay..

“A war zone in the city is wild. It needs combat pay,” “this world is getting scarier,” and “Unfortunately this is normal“, were some of the comments from people who saw the video.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/periodista-reportaba-sobre-un-tiroteo-y-fue-sorprendida-en-vivo-por-nueva-balacera-rg10

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