US Vice President Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates on Monday to secure her Democratic nomination for the November presidential election, according to California Congressman Robert Garcia.

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“California just voted unanimously to nominate Kamala Harris for President. Our delegates have put the Vice President over the required number she needs to be our nominee for the convention!” Garcia wrote on X.

To win the nomination in the first round of voting, A candidate needs the support of at least 1,976 delegates out of a total of 4,000.

Shortly after the news broke, Harris, through her presidential campaign, said: “I am proud to have garnered the broad support necessary to become our party’s nominee, and as a daughter of California, I am proud that my home state delegation helped“.

Harris added that she hopes to formally accept the nomination “soon,” something that could happen remotely on August 7, before the Democratic National Convention begins on the 19th, which marks the closing of the primary process.

Pledges of support from delegates are a required endorsement for Harris. While delegates could change their minds between now and the August vote, no other candidate has stepped forward since President Joe Biden withdrew from re-election on Sunday.

What is missing for Kamala Harris to finally become the Democratic presidential candidate?

Kamala Harris would not officially become the party’s presidential nominee until delegates formally vote in a virtual roll call vote. which is expected to be completed on August 7.

The vice president, who announced her candidacy on Sunday after Biden withdrew from the race, is already the Democrats’ favorite candidate after receiving the support of the president, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and all of the country’s Democratic governors – some of whom were rumored to be potential candidates.

However, other candidates could be nominated if they obtain the nomination signatures of at least 300 delegates, with no more than one-sixth coming from any single state.

If only one candidate, most likely Harris, meets the 300-signature threshold, virtual voting could take place as early as August 1, party officials told local media on Monday. And if there are multiple candidates, voting would take place days later but would be completed by August 7.

If the nomination takes place in early August, the Democratic convention to be held in Chicago on August 19 will be a purely ceremonial event and a television opportunity for political formation.

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