“P“I can watch her very closely in the White House Situation Room, in the Oval Office and around the world as a leading voice on American foreign policy and our diplomacy,” Blinken said in remarks to reporters.

“Over the past three years, I’ve watched her command a room full of world leaders,” the US top diplomat added.

Blinken recalled that Harris “is deeply involved in the Middle East”, as well as in promoting investment in Central American countries or in the White House’s strategy for the Indo-Pacific.

“And what I’ve seen is someone who repeatedly asks the right questions, who gets right to the point, and who is intensely focused on the interests of the American people and making sure that our foreign policy does everything possible to advance them,” he said.

These compliments come at a time when the latest polls for the US presidential elections, scheduled for November 5, show slightly better numbers for Vice President Kamala Harris, although they point to a defeat against Republican candidate Donald Trump.

The polls were conducted before President Joe Biden announced Sunday that he would step down from his bid for re-election, so when asked about Harris, respondents were asked to give a hypothetical scenario.

The most recent, the YouGov poll for CBS News, gave Trump a five-point lead over Biden (52% to 47%) and just three over Harris (51% to 48%).

Another from NBC News gave the same two-point advantage to Trump (45% to 43% with Biden and 47% to 45% with Harris), while a Fox News study gave the same result of 49% to 48% in favor of the former president, regardless of the rival.

The poll for NPR and PBS was the only one that gave the Democrats a majority, and in this case, it gave Biden a better lead over Trump (50% to 48%) than Harris did over Trump (50% to 49%).

Although the overall result is relevant, what is really important in the US elections are the so-called “key states”, such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia or Arizona.

In a poll conducted for The New York Times, Harris appears to have a better result in Pennsylvania and Virginia than Biden.

In Pennsylvania, Trump beats Biden by three points (48% to 45%) and Harris by just one (48% to 47%), while in Virginia the vice president surpasses the Republican by five points (49% to 44%), two more than Biden (48% to 45%).

In terms of popularity, Harris has an approval rating of 38.3%, according to the FiveThirtyEight polling aggregate, very similar to Biden (38.6%) and below Trump (42.1%).

Harris, however, has the lowest unpopularity rating of the three, at 51.4%, compared with Biden’s 56.2% and Trump’s 53.3%.

Read Also: Trump holds Biden and Kamala accountable for failures in his protection

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2603312/kamala-nos-ultimos-anos-vi-a-comandar-sala-cheia-de-lideres-mundiais

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