Katiuscia Torres Soares, also known on social media as Kat Torres or Kat A Luzwas sentenced to eight years in prison in New York, United States, for human trafficking and slavery.

What did he promote on his networks?

The influencer was characterized by upload self-help videos; However, after the investigation by the Brazilian and American authorities they found that In his residence there were several women in inhumane conditions and against their will.

Her followers and Internet users They responded on social media to what happenedsince Kat Torres had cultivated an image on social networks of personal improvement and success, having contact with Hollywood characters such as Leonardo DiCaprio and showing a seemingly perfect life of luxury.

On their networks He promoted subscription services and personal consultations, promising his vulnerable followers economic and emotional improvements. Her career from a very young age in one of the most popular neighborhoods in Brazil and her rise to stardom on international catwalks contributed to the artist being perceived as an example of overcoming and triumphing in the face of adversity.

On Instagram He had more than a million followers and shared images and videos showing frequent trips to different destinations around the world.attendance at exclusive events and an apparent collection of designer clothing and luxury accessories.

Conviction for human trafficking and slavery

One of the key testimonies for the FBI was that of Ana, one of his followers, who told BBC Eye Investigations and BBC News Brazil that she “it evoked a kind of hope in me.” As he made known, She was attracted to the young woman’s career. “It seemed like he had overcome the violence he suffered in his childhood, the abuse, all those kinds of traumatic experiences,” she said.

Luzer Twersky, shared an apartment with Kat Torres in New York and She claimed that she was the influencer introduced to the consumption of hallucinogenic drugs by Hollywood friendswhich marked a drastic change in his life.

Ana thought the influencer could overcome any adversity, but when she arrived at her apartment in New York, she realized the manipulation she was subjected to. Along with other victims, she performed household chores tirelessly and without receiving the promised payment. “Now I see that he was using me as a slave”she lamented. Along the same lines, Desirrê Freitas and Letícia Maia, two of the women whose case triggered the FBI’s search, were also taken in the same way.

What the young women were facing

In addition to facing unfair working conditions, the women were subject to strict rules: they could not communicate with each other, they needed permission to leave their rooms, and all their earnings were given to Kat Torres. In addition, They were required to hand over personal documents such as passports and driver’s licenses, which made any escape attempt more difficult.

The authorities did not intervene until the case went viral on social media and in the media. Gladys Pacheco, a lawyer for the victims, collected testimonies accusing Kat Torres of human trafficking, torture, slavery and sexual exploitation, Folha de Sao Paulo reported. Before her sentencing, The influencer was interviewed by BBC World Service, where she declared herself innocent and accused the media of defamation. Despite the conviction, her lawyer appealed and continues to defend her.

The victims are still in the process of psychological recovery due to the abuse they suffered. “I hope my story serves as a warning”Desirrê said in her book published by DISRUPTalks about her experience. The investigation is ongoing and new testimonies could add more cases to Kat Torres’ file.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/kat-torres-famosa-influencer-condenada-por-trata-de-personas-y-esclavitud-rg10

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