The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton reappeared in a photo and with good news. On the Kensington Palace X account, a photograph of Prince William’s wife next to a tree and a stream at his residence was published.

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The image of Kate Middleton was accompanied by a text that refers to good progress in the princess’s cancer treatment, but explains that, like everyone who undergoes chemotherapy, she has good and bad days.

Likewise, it is announced that this Saturday, June 15, 2024, you will attend the traditional “Trooping the Color” parade, which celebrates the anniversary of King Charles III and which concludes with a greeting from the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

Kate Middleton’s health diagnosis

It should be remembered that, last March and after weeks of speculation about her whereabouts and health, Kate Middleton announced that she was diagnosed with cancer.

Through a video released at that time, the Princess of Wales explained that the condition was detected after the abdominal surgery she underwent in January.

“In January I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and At that time it was thought that my condition was not cancerous,” initially revealed by the wife of the heir to the British throne.

The Princess of Wales added that “the surgery was successful”, however, after routine tests it was found that there was cancer. In the video message published by Kensington Palace, Kate Middleton said that the news was a “huge shock” for her and her family.

After the diagnosis was confirmed, an action plan was initiated to confront the disease. “My medical team recommended that I I underwent preventive chemotherapy treatment and now I am in the early stages of that treatment.

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