Nicolás Maduro, president of Venezuela, spoke by telephone with his counterpart from Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who expressed the importance of having a good representation of international observers in the next presidential elections.

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He also reminded him of the need to comply with the Barbados Agreement, which specifically establishes that the European Union will be an observer of the elections. This is stated in a note from the Brazilian presidency.

Analysts consider that the participation of the EU would favor the opposition.

Analyst Aníbal Sánchez explained that “they are instruments that, when push comes to shove, inspire or transmit a certain confidence that there could be transparency during the process, and everything that has to do with trust undoubtedly translates into higher levels of participation, in acceptance of the results.”

However, The European Union sees its participation as unlikely after its invitation as an observer of the electoral process was revoked. as announced by the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), in recent days.

Elvis Amoroso, president of the CNE, stated that “the electoral power of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela revokes and nullifies the invitation it extended to the European Union to participate through an international oversight mission.

Until now, the CNE maintains the invitation as electoral observers to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), the Caribbean Community (Caricom), the UN panel of experts, the Carter Center, the African Union, the Inter-American Union of Electoral Bodies, among others. Also to prominent personalities from Latin America. The UN is still evaluating its participation.

Colombia and Brazil announced that They will not send an observation mission to Venezuela due to lack of time.

In Venezuela, the vice president of the socialist party, Diosdado Cabello, said that María Corina Machado’s participation in the Oslo freedom forum seeks international support to claim fraud.

“He went there to say that they need help, international support, because they are going to claim fraud. A coalition against Venezuela, that is their plan”Cabello said.

For his part, the president of the National Assembly, Jorge Rodríguez, He predicted the victory of Nicolás Maduro and said that those who cause violence without knowing the results will go behind bars.

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