María Corina Machado, the leader of the Venezuelan opposition, who has had to hide in her country due to the reprisals of Nicolás Maduro, spoke with the Blu Radio station about how they are weakening the head of Chavismo and assured that they do it “from within because we are not standing idly by despite this brutal repression.”

>>> You may be interested in: Machado says that Maduro “is desperate to know where I am and I am not going to give him that pleasure”

Regarding Colombia’s role in the situation that Venezuela is going through, Machado stated: “The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the inter-American system is of enormous importance for Colombia, we know it, and it (the IACHR) has stated what it had never done since the military dictatorships of the last century, that is, that state terrorism practices are being committed in Venezuela. Faced with this, one cannot remain silent, indifference is complicity”.

Likewise, María Corina Machado explained on Blu Radio that she has contacts with the government of President Gustavo Petro: “We have had communications with Colombian government officials, like all other governments in the region, in Europe, permanently. I think there is full consciousness.”

When asked about who he has been in contact with in the Petro government, he limited himself to arguing: “I believe that if they have not made it public, it is up to them and it is the practice that I have with all my interlocutors around the world. This allows us to have a fluid conversation and trust.”

María Corina recalled the importance of the 2023 primaries

Machado made reference to October 22, 2023, when the primaries of the Democratic Unitary Platform were held, where the candidate who would participate in the presidential elections in Venezuela for 2024 was chosen. For the opposition leader this was a “civic event that gave cause, which opened the doors to the entire citizen force that took us until July 28, in which There was the greatest victory in the history of Venezuela, in an electoral process and also against a tyranny. With the abusive, unconstitutional, and outrageous rules of the regime, we achieved a victory that united all of Venezuela.”

The results of those primaries “have been a milestone that has changed before and after the history of Venezuela and which demonstrated the collapse of Chavismo as a political movement and as a platform for social control. Indeed, Maduro, when he found himself exposed and naked, resorted to absolute violence, resorted to entrenching himself in the military high command and putting into practice what the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has called practices of State terrorism.”

“The world has to act and, in particular, Colombia”: Machado
María Corina Machado has denounced the acts of violence of which young people in her country have been victims, those who have sought to express their dissatisfaction with the regime through social networks. Given this, he pronounced the following: “The world has to act and, in particular, Colombia. Because there will be no peace in Colombia as long as there exists in Venezuela a system that is not only dictatorial, tyrannical, but also criminal that has turned our territory into the sanctuary of all these groups that destabilize Venezuela, Colombia and the region.”

María Corina Machado continues living in Venezuela –


What do you expect from Gustavo Petro’s government?

Given the position of the government of the president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, and that of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Machado stressed: “There is nothing more to wait here, three months have already passed here. It is absurd to continue asking the regime to deliver minutes, which they are not going to deliver, but, furthermore, we have the minutes, which are original copies and the world already knows them, not only because we digitized them, but because they were also in the OAS. So, here you have to understand that that period has closed. I can understand the position of President Lula and President Petro in the sense of trying to maintain a certain neutrality in order to maintain a dialogue with the regime, but they have not even answered the phone. So, the point here is that Maduro is not going to sit down and negotiate anything until the cost of staying in power is higher than the cost of leaving power.”

Are Maduro’s days in power numbered?

María Corina Machado explained that there is still hope for Venezuela: “Let’s think about what is the only thing that Maduro has left in the face of the disaster he suffered on July 28, What is left for Maduro when he has 90% of a country united against him?but, also, in favor of the values ​​of transition, of transformation, of decency, of freedom, that we represent. “Maduro has an armed repressive arm (which are sectors of the Armed Forces, police and paramilitary groups), a judicial repressive arm and a pillar of criminal financing from illicit activities of drug trafficking and mining smuggling.”

He said that work is being done from within these structures to weaken Nicolás Maduro so that he leaves power so that Edmundo González can rise to the Presidency of Venezuela.

>>> We recommend you read: María Corina Machado wins the Václav Havel Human Rights Prize from the Council of Europe


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