OThe two leaders spoke by phone after the European Council took the political decision in Brussels to open formal accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, bypassing Hungary’s veto.

Macron told Zelensky that this is “a logical, fair and necessary response” to the aspirations of the Ukrainian people and the reforms undertaken “with great determination” by the Kiev Government “despite the war of aggression” launched by Russia.

The French President stated that France worked in favor of the European Council’s decision and that it will continue to be at Ukraine’s side “to accompany it and support it in the reforms that will allow it to advance on its European path”.

Zelensky noted on the social network X (formerly Twitter) that he thanked Macron for “all the support that France has offered Ukraine along this path.”

“The European Council has decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova”, announced the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, in a post on the social network X, after hours of discussions between the EU heads of government and state, meeting today in Brussels.

For the President of the European Council, this is “a clear sign of hope for the citizens of these countries and for the European continent.”

Charles Michel’s spokesperson later told the press in Brussels that “the European Council took a decision and no one contested it”, after Hungary had threatened to veto the decision to open formal negotiations with Ukraine due to related concerns. with corruption in the country.

The President of the European Council indicated that the EU heads of government and state also decided to “grant candidate status to Georgia”.

“The EU will open negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina as soon as the necessary degree of fulfillment of the accession criteria is reached and invited the Commission [Europeia] to present a report by March with a view to making that decision”, said Charles Michel.

The President of Ukraine thanked the European Council’s decision to move forward with EU accession negotiations and described the day as historic for all who “fight for freedom”.

“I thank everyone who worked to make this happen and everyone who helped. Today I congratulate every Ukrainian”, wrote Volodymyr Zelensky on the X network, moments after Charles Michel announced the decision.

Zelensky added that history “is made by those who are not tired of fighting for freedom.”

Read Also: Michel congratulated Zelensky, Sandu and PM of Georgia on historic moment

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2461782/macron-felicita-zelensky-por-negociacoes-de-adesao-a-ue

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