“Qthat the Electoral Office (one of the six offices that make up the STJ) meet to resolve this attack on the electoral process and clarify everything that needs to be clarified”, he said.

Maduro was speaking to journalists in Caracas, as he left the STJ, after presenting the request in response to allegations of fraud made by the opposition.

Without disclosing the content of the appeal, Maduro stated that the Government and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela are ready to release all the electoral records and accused the internal opposition, with the help of opponents living in asylum abroad, of attempting “a coup d’état against the government, using the electoral process”.

“Given the psychological warfare on social media and in the press, I ask the TSJ to meet and convene, as is its responsibility, all institutions, the Electoral Power, the Executive Power, the Moral Power, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and all presidential candidates, the 38 parties, and make a complete assessment of what this attack was,” he said.

Maduro also asked that the election results be certified “with an opinion from experts of the highest technical level” and explained that he is willing to be summoned, questioned, investigated and brought to justice.

Venezuela has been experiencing protests in several regions of the country since Monday against the results announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

Venezuela’s CNE officially proclaimed Nicolás Maduro as President for the period 2025-2031 on Monday.

According to official CNE data, Maduro was re-elected for a third consecutive term with 51.2% of the votes, having obtained 5.15 million votes.

The main opposition candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia, obtained just under 4.5 million votes (44.2%), the CNE indicated.

The Venezuelan opposition claims victory in the presidential elections, with 70% of the votes for Gonzalez Urrutia, said opposition leader María Corina Machado, with minutes from the vast majority of polling stations made public to support the claim.

Regarding the release of the minutes that support the CNE results, requested by several countries, Maduro said today that he is “available” to do so.

“I said, as a political leader, son of Commander (Hugo) Chávez, that the Great Patriotic Pole, the Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela, is ready to present 100% of the results,” he said.

After Maduro’s appeal to the STJ, the US Carter Center, which had a delegation observing Sunday’s elections, stated that the judicial institution would be incapable of conducting the process independently.

“This would be another government institution appointed by the government to verify the government’s numbers for the election results that are in question,” said Jennie K. Lincoln, senior adviser for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Carter Center. “This is not an independent assessment,” she stressed.

The Carter Center said Tuesday it had been unable to verify the election results, blaming authorities for a “complete lack of transparency” in declaring Maduro the winner.

[Notícia atualizada às 20h32]

Read Also: Venezuela opposition leader announces 16 dead in protests

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2608100/maduro-pede-a-supremo-que-certifique-resultados-eleitorais-da-venezuela

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