O Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has blamed opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia for the deaths that are occurring in the country, which is experiencing moments of tension.

“I hold you responsible, Gonzalez Urrutia, for everything that is happening in Venezuela. For the criminal violence, for the injuries, for the deaths, for the destruction – you will be held responsible.”he said, quoted by the Spanish agency Efe.

In recent hours, the country has been the scene of several protests, with hundreds of people injured. According to the most recent figures, 11 people have died during the protests against the election results, which give victory to Maduro.

The country has around 600,000 Portuguese and Portuguese descendants, and this is a “delicate” situation that the Government is monitoring. However, according to the Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities, José Cesário, there is no record of citizens with Portuguese nationality being detained.

The Portuguese Government is monitoring the “delicate situation” in Venezuela, following the announcement of the election results, and there is currently no record of Portuguese people involved or detained in protests.

Lusa | 17:56 – 30/07/2024

O News to the Minute contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which, when asked whether Portuguese people in Venezuela had requested to return, reported that “there had been no request to date”.

Venezuela’s National Electoral Council awarded victory to President Maduro with just over 51% of the vote, ahead of the main opposition candidate, Edmundo González, who is said to have obtained 44% of the vote.

The opposition and part of the international community doubt these results and demand more transparency and an analysis of the electoral records.

[Notícia atualizada às 00h11]

Read Also: Venezuela. Lula requests release of minutes but considers dispute “normal”

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2607526/maduro-culpa-oposicao-por-caos-na-venezuela-pelos-mortos-e-feridos

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