A magic show in Chile almost ended in tragedy due to a huge screen that fell into the middle of the show, attended by several people.
During the show, the Chilean magician, Jean Paul Olhaberry, was saved from being crushed by the screen while He performed a trick in the middle of his presentation.
When the giant LED screen rushed in, the artist managed to get to safety and it was very clear that he has good reflexes.
Olhaberry qualified his jump as his best act of escapismbecause when he noticed that an immense screen was falling on top of him, what he could do was run forward and jump off the stage to save his life.
Who is the magician Jean Paul Olhaberry who was saved from being crushed by the giant screen?
Jean Paul is a well-known magician from Chile who He started his career when he was just 8 years old.. He was taught by the teacher Chilean Fernando LarraĂn. This man’s vast experience has led him to travel places around the world with their magic.
Olhaberry was winner of the Merlin Award in 2013, Later, he was recognized with the WCC Award in China in 2015, with which he completed a total of 8 awards for his artistic career.
Although the magician could not foresee the situation that almost ended his life, he managed to intuitively and quickly escape, to continue showing the whole world the magic that emanates from his being.
Fortunately, the incident He left no injuries or injuries.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mago-logro-salvarse-de-ser-aplastado-por-una-pantalla-gigante-en-un-show-de-magia-rg10