A Colombian man was violently attacked outside a bar in Wisconsin, United States, in what appears to have been a hate crime for being Latino. The attacker was arrested, while the victim, after several surgeries, is now recovering from the injuries..

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For Diego Fernando Nieto, the night of July 28 will not only be etched in his memory, but also marked by the physical after-effects left by a beating he received from an American in the parking lot outside a bar.

“The guy used a rock to hit me, which caused the fractures on my face and damaged my teeth. The police report says the guy used a rock and then left, he ran away from the crime. And so I was left lying there, bleeding, with multiple wounds on my face.“, said the attacked Colombian.

Johanna Pantoja, Diego Fernando Nieto’s mother, said that her son has “seven fractures”, “a maxillofacial problem” and also “has blurred vision.”

The attacker is known to be an American citizen with a criminal record. His name is Courtis Boucher and he is now facing charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. For Diego, there is only one explanation.

He hit me like that for being Latino, out of hate“Because a person who wants to hit you like that, almost leaving you dead and badly injured, with fractures, there must be some psychological problem on the part of the other person. That is hatred, some hatred or racism,” said the Colombian victim of the brutal attack.

The Colombian assures that he does not mess with anyone

Diego had been alone in Wisconsin for four months, working at a metal casting company for auto parts. Before that, he had lived in Florida since he was 18 and had never experienced anything like this.

“I have always been careful not to get into trouble with anyone… So, I kind of start running and the car the guy was in starts up behind me. He was with another person.“That guy takes off behind me. I lose consciousness over there,” he said.

His mother assured that “He is very psychologically affectedhe is very depressed, he is very bad” and “he is very anxious”.

Now the family’s concern is not only dealing with the physical and psychological after-effects, but also meeting the huge medical bills that are already starting to arrive.

>>>Who is the killer of Colombian Daniela Tabares, found dead in the US?

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/sujeto-ataco-con-una-piedra-a-colombiano-en-ee-uu-me-golpeo-asi-por-ser-latino-rg10

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