A security camera video recorded the moment in which a man He lost his life after falling into a livestock feed grinding machine. The shocking images that are now viral were known on social networks.

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The event occurred in Paiján, a town in Peru. The fatal victim of the incident was identified as Juan de las Rosas Torre and, according to the media in that country, He would have left eight orphaned children.

In the recording you can see three men, who worked in a stable, unloading and grinding cattle feed. Juan de las Rosas was very close to the crushing machine and, in a few seconds, one of its arms became trapped in the mechanism and was destroyed.

One of his coworkers realizes what is happening and desperately tries to help Rosas. Although she runs to catch him, she can’t do anything to save his life.

The scene is quite heartbreaking, the man was shocked after seeing how his partner died in front of his eyes, crushed by a machine. He takes his cell phone to communicate the tragedy that had just happened.

The last worker ended up turning off the machine and, according to the images, spoke with other colleagues who arrived at the scene of what happened.

The images spread on social networks until they went viral. Internet users commented on what happened: “A single carelessness and you lose your life. There was no time to react”, “In case you want some information, the man leaves eight orphaned children. The owner of the stable took care of the funeral expenses.”

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hombre-muere-al-ser-triturado-por-una-maquina-en-su-trabajo-tragicas-imagenes-rg10

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