Last Monday, August 5, in the afternoon, a man of approximately 35 years of age known as José de la Cuesta, who lived near the scene of the events, He would have died due to the severity of his injuries after performing a dangerous maneuver while paragliding. on Cerro de Ala Delta in Salta, Argentina.

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The incident occurred around 5:45 p.m., when, according to witnesses, He got tangled in the paraglider and fell into the void, crashing against the side of the hill. After the blow, those present requested medical assistance for the injured person.

Police said that around 7:30 pm they went to the place, where it was learned that the rescue teams and the police They would have found the entrance gates closed with padlocks, which would have caused delays in the intervention.

Authorities are investigating the incident.

José de la Cuesta was assisted and taken to the San Bernardo hospital, where according to reports, the individual would have collapsed during the transfer and He arrived at the hospital with no vital signs.

The Police and the Fiscal Investigation Corps (CIF) arrived at the scene of the accident to carry out an expert appraisal of the paraglider and the area where the tragedy occurred. The objective is to determine the precise causes of the incident and the death of the athlete.

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