A family in Inverness, Scotland, were in for a big surprise when they discovered three giant colonies of bees living on the roof of their house. The discovery came when the owner’s grandchildren began hearing humming sounds at night.
After suspecting that something unusual was happening, The family contacted Andrew Card, a beekeeper at the Loch Ness Honey Company, according to information collected by CNN.
When inspecting the home, Card and his team found three colonies of bees distributed in different rooms, including bedrooms and living rooms. Each colony housed between 50,000 and 60,000 bees, making a total of 180,000 insects.
The beekeeper explained that they located queens in two of the three colonies, and although they could not find the queen in the third, they speculate that she might be taking a while to mate, as there were no eggs present.
He added that The recovered colonies will be part of next year’s honey production, once they overcome the adaptation and monitoring period.
The bees were moved to temporary hives in an isolation apiary, where They will be monitored for several weeks to detect possible parasites and diseases.
During this time, they will receive adequate food to ensure their health and comfort.
What should be done in the presence of a swarm of bees?
Experts recommend that in the presence of a bee hive, you should remain calm and contact the police, firefighters or professionals. Furthermore, killing or fumigating them should be avoided, since bees are a protected species, as well as being a fundamental pillar for biodiversity.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hombre-descubre-a-180-000-abejas-alojadas-en-el-techo-de-su-dormitorio-rg10