A 37-year-old man suffered a serious accident after amputating parts of his reproductive organ amid the effects of consuming pscilobycin, also known as magic mushrooms. A passerby who found him wandering the streets was the one who took him to a medical center.

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The reproductive organ was cut

The case, documented by doctors at Feldkirch Hospital in the Mega Journal of Surgery, is presented as the first documentation of a penile amputation induced by hallucinogenic mushrooms. The patient, a 37-year-old man from Austria, He had a history of depression and alcohol abuse.

Apparently the subject, whose identity was not identified, consumed large doses of dried magic mushrooms and had a severe psychotic episode, in the midst of which, the reproductive organ was severed with an ax while at a remote holiday home.

“Shortly after consuming the mushrooms, the man began to experience a terrifying hallucination or delirium, which led him to take an ax and cut his penis into multiple pieces. The details of the event are unclear to the patient, as he did not fully remember what had happened,” said the report, also shared by Psypost.

In the middle of the episode, the man tied a piece of cloth to his genitals to control the bleeding and placed the amputated parts inside a jar with snow. He went out to look for help and was approached by a passerby who took him to a hospital.

The case, which was already complex, was aggravated by the fact that the patient lost a significant amount of blood and spent more than 5 hours with his penis amputated.

Did the doctors manage to save the man’s reproductive organ?

After taking him to the operating room, the doctors managed to save the glans and 2 centimeters of the body of the virile organ, however, Despite efforts, other parts that were contaminated with dirt and snow could not be saved.

Despite this, the reimplantation was considered successful. It was documented that he had some complications during the recovery process, it was proven that, although he lost a significant part of the limb, He was able to recover his erectile function 3 months after surgery.

“At his last follow-up visit, he was able to urinate normally while sitting, although he developed a minor complication called hypospadias,” the specialists noted.

Although this is the first case of psilocybin-induced self-amputation, experts called for remembering that these episodes, although rare and extreme, can occur after substance use.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hombre-se-quito-su-organo-reproductor-tras-consumir-hongos-magicos-rg10

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