A video posted on the social network X by user The Hairy Hand shows a man slowly approaching the railway track on his scooter, looking to the side and getting stuck in the middle of the track. Three seconds later, the train passes at full speed and knocks him down.

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Another person who was on the side of the road, also on a motorcycle, He seems stunned by what happened and gets off the two-wheeled vehicle. and runs to the side of the road.

Although the video does not specify in which country the incident occurred, nor the identity of the person who lost his life, the scene and the signs that are in the place They make us think it was in Asia.

Internet users’ reactions to the death of the motorcyclist

The incident sparked multiple reactions from Internet users, who commented on the video whether it was an accident or a suicide.

“It looks like the final destination,” “Don’t you know which train route is?”, “He literally took his own life. It was on purpose,” “He did not go any further because that was his intention,” “Now yes, as they say, the train took him away,” they said.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hombre-que-iba-en-moto-murio-arrollado-por-un-tren-la-tragedia-fue-captada-en-video-rg10

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