A man set himself on fire this Friday, April 19, 2024, in front of the New York court where the former president of the United States Donald Trumpis being judged, for reasons that are still unknown, according to local police.
The man transformed into a human torch, before the Police arrived and used a fire extinguisher to contain the flames, according to CNN television.
“A man set himself on fire outside the Supreme Court. We are still gathering details on the ground“said a spokesperson for the New York Police Department.
Firefighters did not immediately respond to questions posed by AFP.
Local media reported that the man had been taken for medical treatment.
The scene occurred shortly after the jury members had been selected inside the court, 12 regulars and 6 alternates, who They will seal the fate of Donald Trump in this historic trial that sees a former president in the dock for the first time.
Donald Trump, who seeks to return to the White House in the November elections, He is accused of covering up money paid to a former porn actress to buy her silence in the final stretch of the 2016 election campaign, in which he was victorious.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hombre-se-prendio-fuego-a-las-afueras-de-corte-donde-se-realiza-juicio-contra-donald-trump-cb20