David DePape was found guilty of attempted kidnapping of a federal employee and assaulting a family member of a federal employee, and could be sentenced to 50 years in prison.

The attack on Paul Pelosi, then 82 years old, captured on police body camera, occurred just days before last year’s midterm elections.

DePape, 43, admitted during trial testimony that he broke into Pelosi’s home on October 28, 2022, with the intention of holding Nancy Pelosi hostage and “breaking her knees” if she lied to him.

He also admitted to beating Paul Pelosi with a hammer after San Francisco police officers showed up at the house, saying that his plan to end what he considered government corruption was going up in smoke when the officers arrived.

Defense lawyers and prosecutors did not immediately comment on the verdict, while the Justice Department is scheduled to hold a press conference later today, reported the Associated Press (AP).

The sentencing date has not yet been set.

Defense attorneys argued that DePape was motivated by his political beliefs, not because he wanted to interfere with Nancy Pelosi’s official duties as a member of Congress, rendering the charges against him invalid.

One of his lawyers, Angela Chuang, told jurors during closing arguments Wednesday that DePape was caught up in conspiracies.

DePape, a Canadian citizen who moved to the U.S. more than 20 years ago, is also charged in state court with assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, residential burglary and other crimes.

The state trial date will be set during the Nov. 29 hearing, said Randy Quezada, spokesman for the San Francisco District Attorney’s office.

Read Also: Accused of attacking Pelosi’s husband begins trial in San Francisco

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2442847/homem-que-atacou-marido-de-pelosi-condenado-arrisca-50-anos-de-prisao

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