In the last hours, the murder of Francisco Luis Correa, convicted of the murder of the prosecutor, became known. Marcelo Pecci and key witness in the case. Correa was found dead inside his prison at La Picota prison in Bogotá, his cellmate would have been the author of the crime and he was separated. The Pecci’s mom, Maricel Albertinispoke out against the incident and said he was happy because Correa was murdered in circumstances similar to those of his son.
In an interview with Noticias Caracol live, Pecci’s mother stated that “to be honest, I was very happy because divine justice exists. He paid in the same way as they had my son killed, and they killed him in the same way. “I’m really happy despite being Catholic.”
Maricel added that “I believe that he (Francisco Luis Correa) spoke as far as he knew, I don’t think he knew who or who were in charge. He spoke and said everything he knew”
(Read also: Crime Marcelo Pecci: Ministry of Justice pronounces on the death of a key player in the case)
Regarding the investigations being carried out by the justice system, the prosecutor’s mother assured that #hopefully it won’t be such a long time to know the truth. It’s a pretty complicated issue, but I don’t lose hope. With Correa’s death, not everything went away, his body went away and he paid for what he did.”
He also maintained that “I see the progress of the investigation quite slow, compared to the first part. This second part is going very slowly, but, God willing, we will soon have news.”
Furthermore, he said that he is not afraid: “I don’t know to what extent they can act towards us. The key piece was Marcelo. He is no longer here, they have already killed him, the greatest damage has already happened. Marcelo is not going to return, we want the truth for our tranquility and that of an entire country that cries out for justice.”
“I’m happy”: Marcelo Pecci’s mother
In conversation with the Paraguayan media Telefuturo, the prosecutor’s mother stated that “for my part, I am happy that he died in the same way that he killed my son, but as a Catholic it is not what the church proclaims, but well, it is So”.
The woman added that she does not believe that the course of the investigations will change because “I understand that Correa spoke and said everything he knew and the investigation has to continue, it has to continue.”
Finally, Maricel Albertini He said that “I believe that Francisco Correa He already said everything he had to say. I don’t think Correa knows where the order came from or who sent the money. All he did was receive the order and the money. The rest is in the hands of Margareth Chacón. I trust the Paraguayan Prosecutor’s Office because this is no longer a family matter of the Pecci but of the country. The country needs it to be clarified and known.”
How did Francisco Correa die?
According to the first report from the Colombian authorities, “a radio call can be heard from pavilion 32.”
The facts are still the subject of investigation by Inpec and it is expected that in the next few hours the alleged murderer will be prosecuted for this crime.
Who killed Marcelo Pecci?
On May 10, 2022, on a beach in Barú, Cartagena, Paraguayan anti-mafia prosecutor Marcelo Pecci was murdered while enjoying his honeymoon with his wife, Claudia Aguilera, who was pregnant.
According to the Attorney General’s Office, Andrés Felipe Pérez Hoyos, together with his brother Ramón and Francisco Correa Galeano, planned, designed and executed the crime against Pecci. The latter, murdered this morning, accepted through a pre-agreement the crimes accused of him. A knowledgeable judge endorsed the negotiation.
In this case, Cristian Monsalve and Margareth Chacón are also in prison, whom the investigating entity points out as being responsible for planning the murder.
Chacón, 41, was in a romantic relationship with Andrés Felipe Pérez, who mentioned that “Margareth is totally innocent, she is the mother of my children, she is the love of my life.”
Furthermore, Pérez assured that for the crime of Marcelo Pecci they were paid 1.5 billion Colombian pesos: “I met people that I suddenly should not have met and well, one for doing a favor to earn money, without measuring the consequences, without measuring the actions, “So I fell into this.”
Before the events, they returned to Cartagena after a vacation in Cancun, Mexico. Pérez confessed that he considered canceling the crime, but finally did not do so. For her part, Margareth claimed to be unaware of the execution of the murder.
(Read also: The mastermind of the crime against Paraguayan Marcelo Pecci is murdered in La Picota prison: this is known)
“I was always in love with Andrés, always, I am not going to deny that, that, although I feel hurt at this moment, he has been the love of my life,” Chacón said on the program Los Informantes.
He stated that he traveled to Cancun, supposedly, to marry the person who was accused of being the author of the crime. However, according to the prosecutor, that trip was to plan the murder of the Paraguayan prosecutor. Later, both returned to Cartagena. “He never changed with me when he came from Cancun, he never seemed mysterious, I never saw him nervous, I never saw him anxious or worried,” he added.
For the Prosecutor’s Office, it was not evident that that meeting in La Heroica was only to consummate their love, but rather it is believed that it was to perpetrate the crime. All those involved were in the same city, which was enough for the authorities to proceed with their captures. Pérez was sentenced to 25 years and 6 months in prison, while Chacón must serve a sentence of 35 years in prison.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/habla-mama-de-marcelo-pecci-y-asegura-sentirse-feliz-por-asesinato-de-francisco-luis-correa-rg10