Venezuelan opposition leaders Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez led a mass march in Caracas. They spoke to supporters in front of the United Nations headquarters in the capital.

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“Many Venezuelans who once believed in Chavismo are now with us. There can be no aggression between citizens, what we are fighting is the fraud of the regime, we cannot attack police, military, or anyone. We all defend ourselves, we organize ourselves. Today we send a message to those institutions: you know what happened, you witnessed it at every voting center.“, Machado said.

According to the leader, “The citizens saw with their own eyes the triumph of a country over a tyranny. Today we send you this message, your duty is to defend popular sovereignty and defend the people of Venezuela.”.

The words of María Corina Machado were applauded by hundreds of people who gathered there to listen to her and Edmundo González.

Precisely, the supporters of the opposition shouted at the top of their lungs “tell the truth”, “tyranny will fall” y “freedom“, among other speeches that have been given after the elections, which raise suspicions of fraud and rigging.

“Edmundo Gonzalez won”: Machado

“What happened on the night of July 28 and the early morning of the 29th are the most glorious and luminous hours in the civic history of our country. Thousands of citizens who had obtained their certificates, members of the table, witnesses and voters who kept them, have already brought them to us. The official records that were processed and scanned today are on that portal that millions of Venezuelans have already consulted so that the entire world knows that Edmundo González won,” emphasized María Corina Machado.

The opposition member took the opportunity to recall how the road was: “The world cannot believe what we have done, we have done it with people, without money, without means, without gasoline, without transportation. We ask you to trust, just as we win we will collect, we will have to celebrate.”

Machado called on his supporters to remain calm, to demonstrate peacefully and not to fall prey to provocations.

“We have seen many Venezuelans express their rejection of cheating, of fraud, of having our future taken away from us. We believe in the right to free expression. We believe in it and we say that it should be done in a civil and peaceful manner.“Let us not fall for their provocations, because what they want is to pit us against each other as Venezuelans,” he added.

>>> Follow us: More than 700 people have been arrested in Venezuela for protests


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