Maria Corina Machado called for next Saturday, August 3, 2024, All Venezuelans protest against the result announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE) Regarding Sunday’s elections, which gave victory to President Nicolás Maduro, he says that the anti-Chavez movement won these elections with Edmundo González Urrutia as a candidate.

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“We all meet as a family, with our children, grandchildren, grandparents in all the cities of Venezuela… because We are going to pay tribute to each of those heroes who asserted and defended the will of the Venezuelans. and that the regime is now pursuing,” said the former deputy, hours after her team confirmed that she is “under protection” due to the risk of being arrested.

As Chavismo maintains that it won the elections, despite the fact that the main opposition coalition – the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) – published electoral records that – it claims – demonstrate González Urrutia’s victory, Machado called his supporters to stand firm and “stand up for the truth.”

“Now we are going to charge, that’s why We must remain firm, organized and mobilized, with the pride of having achieved a historic victory on July 28 and the awareness that we will also go all the way to collect our wages,” he said.

Why has the CNE not published the complete election results?

The CNE, which claimed to have suffered a cyber attack on its system, has not published the complete results -contrary to regulations- since it declared Maduro the winner, despite the fact that 20% of the voting records remained to be counted, which is equivalent to more than two million votes that could change the outcome.

In response to this, Machado insisted on the need to reiterate that the PUD obtained the victory and to express in the streets their disagreement with the official bulletin, also questioned by the Carter Center, which warned that the Venezuelan election cannot be considered democratic.

“We are going to assert the truth, because The world will see the strength and determination of a society determined to live in freedom.”Machado added in her video, published on X, in which she called on Venezuelans to raise the national flag this Saturday in their homes, in support of these claims.

>>> You can also read: María Corina Machado feels threatened by the Maduro regime: “I fear for my life”


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