Opposition leader María Corina Machado, of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the party of candidate Edmundo González, said that it was he and not Nicolás Maduro who was elected president of Venezuela.

We have 100% of the minutes transmitted by the National Electoral CouncilI don’t know where the others came from, we have all the ones that were transmitted. And All this information coincides. Do you know what? Edmundo González Urrutia obtained 70% of the votes in this election and Nicolás Maduro obtained 30% of the votes. This is the truth and it ismy dear Venezuelans, the presidential election with the largest margin of victory in history“Congratulations,” the politician said.

“Everyone knows what happened in Venezuela”

Maria Corina Machado said that When I say that “everyone knows what happened here,” I start by referring to the regime itself. They do know what happened and what they intend to do. The entire international community knows this.even those who were once allies, know what happened in Venezuela and how people voted for change. The most important thing is that we Venezuelans know this. In all the communities, the towns, the villages, what people did to get to vote, the joy of meeting, the hope for change and a peaceful transition, we all know what has already happened.”

“Not only had we defeated them politically, morally and spiritually, today we defeated them with the votes throughout Venezuela. That happened today. But also The members of the Plan República, the military citizens, also know this. They were there, in the front row.“They saw the people with joy, with hope, organized in a civic and peaceful manner and opening their arms to the entire country, they know it,” added María Corina Machado about the Armed Forces.

That is why he declared that as opponents “we will not accept this blackmail that defending the truth is violence. No sir, violence is violating the truth, that is violence; violence is what they intend to do. We will defend the truth.”

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/maria-corina-machado-gonzalez-tuvo-el-70-de-votos-y-maduro-el-30-esa-es-la-verdad-rg10

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