A pitched battle between a group of mariachis and a fire eater took place in the city of Morelia, state of Michoacán, Mexico. The magnitude of the matter was such that some of The musicians ended up engulfed in flames.
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Media in the Aztec country reported that the events, recorded by a security camera, took place outside a taqueria called El Infierno.
The images show how the fire eater is attacked by one of the mariachis and later other musicians arrive at the scene. One of them acts like his partner and hits the man, while the others try to stop the dispute.
It is then that the fire eater, in order to defend himself, manipulates gasoline to the point of causing fire.
The flames reached some of the mariachis, who They had to take off their jackets to avoid getting burned, however, some of them suffered injuries.
The subject who caused the flames was also injured with a sharp weapon.
The wounded, after the pitched battle, were transferred to care centers. At the moment his health status is unknown.
The video of what happened did not take long to go viral on social networks, where Internet users left reactions such as “The Dragon Man”, “And Everything Happened in Hell”, “Another Tragedy in Mexico”.
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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mariachis-terminaron-en-llamas-tras-protagonizar-batalla-campal-con-un-tragafuegos-rg10