Soylent is a nutritious shake, an artificial food, that promises to meet all of a person’s nutritional needs.
Imagine a time when you don’t need to plant, harvest or prepare food to eat well and ingest all the necessary nutrients that your body needs to stay active. This may seem like a plot from a futuristic movie, in which food shortages are a real thing and humanity needs to find ways to survive, but in reality, this is just a fact that is already happening in the United States for some citizens who decided to try the synthetic food formula called Soylent.
In early 2013, engineer Rob Rhinehart decided to study everything the body needed to survive. After some research, he came up with a nutritional formula with over 30 ingredients that promises to have the right amounts of minerals, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, B, D, E, K and C, as well as the minerals necessary for the body to function properly. This formula was developed thanks to the help of Xavier Pi-Sunyer, the director of the nutrition department at one of the most respected and well-known universities in the US, Columbia University.
Determined to prove that he was right, the engineer began to eat only the substance, which is nothing more than a powder that, when mixed with water or milk, becomes homogeneous and slightly sweet, like cake batter. It was with this experience and when he realized that he felt more active and energetic that Rhinehart decided that his invention could change the way people consume food all over the world.
How Soylent came to be produced
To be able to commercially produce the product, the engineer used a crowdfunding website and raised thousands of dollars in the US. Thus, in partnership with the scientist from Columbia University, he was able to expand the business to thousands of people. Today, orders for the product have already exceeded one million dollars, in addition to investments from other companies that they have received.
Sold only in the US, the formula is constantly being adapted and promises to become more effective every day for those who decide to eat only this way. Each package of the meal currently costs around US$3, the package sold contains more than 28 meals and costs no less than 255 dollars, a price that is still too high for Brazilians, since the package only feeds one person.
Expert opinion
Since the product is new, having been launched a year ago, there are still no studies or research that prove its effectiveness and report whether or not it is good for our bodies. For this reason, some scientists believe that the food is something innovative that can revolutionize the way we view our diet, while others claim that no synthetic food is capable of meeting human needs for a long time and, therefore, it is not recommended for anyone.
As the battle continues, Soylent is gaining more and more followers and is being reformulated frequently. For now, it is just a product that promises to significantly change the way we view our diet.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_(drink)
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/conheca-o-soylent-o-alimento-futuro/