“Mthey tied their own soldiers in the air, mothers and children were waiting for them”, declared Vyacheslav Volodin in the hemicycle in Moscow, quoted by the French agency AFP.

The Russian government said that an IL-76 military transport plane with 74 people on board, including 65 Ukrainians for a prisoner exchange, crashed today in the Bolgorod region, near the Ukrainian border.

“They shot down our pilots who were on a humanitarian mission (…) with American and German missiles”, accused Volodin before Russian deputies.

Volodin announced that the Duma will prepare an appeal to the US Congress and the German Federal Parliament to find out which missiles could have caused the plane to crash.

The head of the Duma said that the initiative is intended so that American congressmen and German deputies “can finally see who they are financing and who they are helping”.

“It’s the Nazi regime. (…) They have to assume their responsibility and the deputies have to accuse them”, said Volodin, quoted by the official Russian agency TASS.

Russian authorities have not yet said whether there are survivors of the crash.

The accident occurred at around 11:00 in Moscow (08:00 in Lisbon).

“On board were 65 prisoners from the Ukrainian army transported to the Belgorod region for an exchange, six crew members and three escorts,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement cited by TASS.

Read Also: Russian plane with 65 prisoners crashes near the border with Ukraine

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2487033/moscovo-acusa-kyiv-de-ter-abatido-aviao-com-prisioneiros-ucranianos

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