a motorcyclist He died after being gutted by a truck in Jaguaruna, Santa Catarina, Brazil. The entire event was captured on a video recorded by a citizen.

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In the video you can see when the biker was having an argument with the driver of a white car, he hit the car and then shouted some words at him.

After the altercation, The motorcyclist makes some dangerous maneuvers with his vehicle, falls and a truck splits his head.

The accident stopped traffic on the road and the drivers of the other vehicles looked amazed at how the victim’s head remained.

The exact date of the video and the identity of the fatal victim are unknown. It is also not clear whether the motorcyclist was intoxicated during the road accident.

“A minute of anger can ruin a life”

Social media users commented on the incident and criticized the actions of the deceased man during the incident.

“A minute of anger can ruin your life, in this case it was taken away,” “in Brazil the number of irresponsible motorcyclists who do not respect traffic laws is very high. There are many accidents every day” and “that happens when you have no control over your anger and you literally lose your mind” are some of the reactions.

Due to the crudeness of the images, Noticias Caracol refrains from presenting them.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/motociclista-muere-atropellado-por-camion-luego-de-fuerte-discusion-con-un-conductor-rg10

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