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Although the Paris Olympic Games ended over a week ago, they are still the subject of much discussion in Uncle Sam’s country. It is neither the debates on the cleanliness of the Seine nor the artistic choices of the opening ceremony that are stirring up the crowds, but rather the chocolate muffins distributed in the Olympic village.
While a good number of Americans celebrated the return of the medalists, others rushed, this Saturday, August 17, for something completely different… What attracted Americans by the hundreds were muffins, but not just any muffins: Olympic muffins! After realizing that the small cakes distributed in the athletes’ village had caused a stir on social networks, Isshiki Matcha, an American brand, opened a pop-up store entirely for this gourmet phenomenon. A real stroke of genius since we had to wait nearly 2 hours to finally taste these champion muffins… To meet such demand, the muffins were directly imported from France, then stored in huge freezers. A complex logistics that nevertheless allowed Americans to enjoy the “Crous muffins” as some nickname them on social networks.
Despite the high price at which these pastries were sold, nearly $11, and the almost interminable wait, this operation was a real success, explains Kelin Carolyn Zhang, one of the instigators of the project. It is therefore without great surprise that a new pop-up store should see the light of day on the occasion of the Paralympic Games in Paris, which take place from August 28 to September 4. Once again, the stars will not be medalists but rather chocolatey and imported directly from France!