“EThis man, under whose responsibility our hostages were detained and murdered, must be arrested,” Netanyahu said in a statement released by his office, calling attention to “a serious mistake and a lack of ethics.”

The decision to release Abu Salmeya was taken by the Shin Bet intelligence service and its director, Ronen Bar, will have to present his initial conclusions to the Israeli prime minister on Tuesday, who ordered an “immediate” investigation into the case.

The Shin Bet defended itself by saying it had released “dozens of detainees to free up space” at Sde Teman prison in the Negev desert in southern Israel.

The release of Abu Salmeya today led to a crossroads of accusations between different members of the Israeli government and also security agencies.

Abu Salmeya, released today along with 50 other Palestinian prisoners, was the director of the most important hospital in the Gaza Strip when the Israeli army detained him on February 23 to question him about the “terrorist activities” of the Islamist organization Hamas in the building, after the discovery of one of its tunnels underneath the hospital.

The prison where he was held is known for its mistreatment of prisoners, including torture, which was denounced by several human rights organizations until the case was taken to the Israeli Supreme Court.

Read Also: Labor and Progressives Form Political Alliance to Unseat Netanyahu

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2590476/netanyahu-lamenta-libertacao-de-antigo-diretor-do-hospital-al-shifa

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