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At New Year, as at Christmas, there are essentials. Champagne, salmon and a succession of small appetizers are among them. Chef Cyril Lignac unveils his best cocktail recipes, with and without alcohol, to enhance this more than expected introduction. On the program: cold, peppy and festive drinks!

It’s on RTL’s microphone that the French’s favorite chef spoke about his favorite cocktails to spend the New Year. For children, Cyril Lignac recommends starting with a mixture of fruit juices: “We take banana juice, pineapple juice, hand-squeezed lemon juice, a little orange juice”. To finish, fresh passion fruit seeds or ready-made juice and that’s it. “We mix all this with ice cubes and it makes Ti-punchhe adds, For parents, we add rum!

Another preparation recommended by the chef: the Blue Lagoon. Once again, the recipe is very simple: “50 cl of grapefruit juice, 3 tablespoons of mint syrup, a little soda to make it sparkle, or lemonade.” This drink can very well be given to children, although, “the touch of bitterness” could disturb them. Chef Lignac therefore recommends this cocktail for teenagers.

Cyril Lignac offers a champagne cocktail recipe. To do this: a bottle of champagne that is emptied into a large container, to which we add 100 ml of lychee liqueur, 100 ml of lemon juice, 100 ml of cane sugar syrup. You can also add a few pieces of fresh lychee and lots of ice cubes to the mix and you will have a refreshing and fruity drink perfect for toasting the New Year.


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