Suggested video What are the seasonal products in February?
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Does my empty yogurt pot go in the household waste trash can or in the sorting trash? Do I have to rinse it before throwing it? What about the seamless? Like thousands of French people, you sometimes face a dilemma when you find yourself in front of your trash can. Let us therefore salute the initiative of manufacturers of fresh dairy products which decided to give clear instructions and rather nice way.
Under the aegis of the Syndifrais grouping, all the manufacturers of French fresh dairy products (except Danone), agreed to better communicate with their consumers via the #Tironpot campaign. Soon, when he opened his yogurt, the French consumer will find “A very simple little message that will tell him to put his pot in the yellow tank with the detached operculum”reports Muriel Casé, general delegate of union, with BFM.
Thus, all the yogurt pots (apart from those in glass) throw themselves into the yellow sorting trash. And even if they are not rinsed. Same thing for the operculum which must simply be detached from its pot. It’s not very complicated if?
If throwing your yogurt pot in a bac rather than in another you seem ridiculous, know that it actually concerns several billion yogurts that are consumed in France every year! Alas, a good part, about 25%, escapes the passage by a sorting center due to a poor understanding of the instructions and ends incinerated or buried. With this campaign which is for everyone, the objective is to one day create a kind of virtuous circle where each small polystyrene pot would be recycled to become new pots of brand new yogurt. That’s not beautiful!