The northern Mexican state of Chihuahua is facing a severe drought that has depleted its water reserves, posing significant risks to the region’s agricultural and livestock sectors.

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In Guerrero, a municipality known for producing apples, cereals and forage crops, lThe Abraham González dam operates at only 19% of its capacity. With a thin layer of muddy water covering the dam, its dry bed cracks under the scorching sun.

The drought spreads across Chihuahua, Mexico’s largest state, encompassing deserts and fertile agricultural lands that rely on stored rainwater.

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In the municipality of Julimes, cattle herders drive their cows across vast plains in search of grass to feed on. The cows appear frail and malnourished as they traverse the arid landscape.

Some farmers have been forced to sell their livestock due to insufficient availability of water and pasture. Cow corpses can also be seen on farms.

According to government data, Almost 90% of Mexico is experiencing some type of drought, which represents the highest rate since 2011. The state of Chihuahua has been particularly affected, with most of its territory suffering from the most severe levels of drought.

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