The publication of a joint statement between Colombia and Brazil on the current situation in Venezuela, especially the electoral panorama after the elections of July 28, 2024, has caused divided opinions on the international stage.

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Opposition reacts to joint statement

Former opposition deputy Juan Pablo Guanipa spoke out against the statement issued by Presidents Gustavo Pedro and Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva on the situation in Venezuela. The political spokesman welcomed the decision to continue demanding the publication of the minutesbut they also question the call by both presidents to prevent all those involved from resorting to acts of violence and repression.

Hours earlier, Foreign Minister Luis Gilberto Murillo, from La Guajira, confirmed that the Foreign Relations Advisory Commission will be convened again next Tuesday, which will be chaired by President Gustavo Petro, and made it clear that the border will not be closed.

“It is about protecting the populations on the border. Here we are in La Guajira, and you know that the WayĂºu population is a binational population, it is both Colombian and Venezuelan and that should be given special treatment,” explained the senior official.

Opposition defends its victory

Opposition leader MarĂ­a Corina Machado announced once again that she will take to the streets to defend the victory of Edmundo GonzĂ¡lez one month after the presidential elections in Venezuela.

However, The Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office accused opposition leader Edmundo GonzĂ¡lez of crimes such as instigating disobedience of the law, criminal association and conspiracy, citing him for tomorrow Monday, August 26, 2024 at ten in the morning.

>>> We recommend: Venezuelan Prosecutor’s Office summons Edmundo GonzĂ¡lez in the middle of a criminal investigation


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