The proposal is the cold truffle. Delicious and with tips so that, even cold, your chocolate shines.
Ingredient for Truffle Dough
- 500 grams of white chocolate
- ½ cup (tea) of Ovaltine®
- 150 grams of cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
How to prepare the truffle dough
- Melt the chocolate, add Ovaltine®, cream and aroma.
- Mix well and refrigerate for at least 8 hours.
- Remove, roll the truffles and dip in the prepared chocolate.
Bath Ingredients
- 500 grams of fractionated milk topping
- 100 grams of semi-sweet fractionated topping
- 1 dessert spoon of cocoa butter
- 1 tablespoon vegetable fat
Bath Preparation Method
- In a bain-marie (40ºC), melt the toppings with the butter and fat.
- Mix well until the ingredients completely melt.
- Stir until the mixture returns to 33°C.
- Using a fork, dip the truffles in the chocolate.
- There is the option of dipping them in powdered chocolate or in Ovaltine® itself.
- Then place the truffles in the refrigerator in boxes suitable for sweets.
Mom Tips
See also here on the website: Cold truffle and tips
As it is a cold truffle, it is normal for it to sweat.
The function of fat and butter is to hydrate and soften the topping, ensuring greater resistance to the chocolate that will remain in the refrigerator. Therefore, it doesn’t leave it too stained or too hard.
In the case of the roof, thermal shock is not necessary.
If you prefer, use noble chocolate, for every 500 grams, add 25 grams of cocoa butter and 50 grams of vegetable fat. In this case, tempering/thermal shock of the chocolate is necessary.
On a party table, place the truffles in paper cups lined with cellophane paper mats.
To sell, pack the truffles in a Styrofoam box.
Approximate yield of 25 units.
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/trufa-gelada-de-ovomaltine/