A distressing moment occurred at the Oaks Parks amusement park, located in Portland, United States. The Failure of an attraction left at least 28 people trapped and upside down for more than half an hour.

The KGW8 media reported that the machine stopped unexpectedly in the afternoon of last Friday, June 14, leaving attendees in an uncomfortable and dangerous position. Because of the incident, The support of the firefighters had to be requested, and, fortunately, after half an hour of work, the people could be rescued safe and sound.

After being assessed, it was determined that no citizens were injured.

Moment of panic was caught on video

One of the attendees at the amusement park recorded the shocking images that show people face down.

The The attraction that presented the failure was closed until further notice and maintenance is being carried out while investigations and tests are carried out to ensure that it is in the best condition for public use.

Oaks Park is a park that was founded in 1905 and is promoted on its website as a mix of excitement and turn-of-the-century charm, delighting generations through the years.

See the images of the moment here:

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/panico-en-parque-de-diversiones-atraccion-fallo-y-usuarios-quedaron-atrapados-boca-abajo-rg10

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