“O The United Kingdom and France said YES to progress and social progress and NO to the regression of rights and freedoms”, according to the Spanish leader, in reference to this week’s legislative elections, in which “two of the largest countries in Europe chose the same path that Spain chose a year ago: the rejection of the extreme right and the firm commitment to a social left that faces people’s problems with serious and courageous policies”.

Sánchez also argued that “you cannot negotiate with the far right, nor govern with it”, on the day that the second round of the French legislative elections took place and four days after the Labour Party led by Keir Starmer secured victory in the United Kingdom.

After the release of projections of the results of the second round of early legislative elections in France, which put the alliance of left-wing parties ahead of the Macronist bloc and the far right, “in Paris there was enthusiasm, in Moscow there was disappointment, in Kiev there was relief, enough to be happy in Warsaw”, wrote the Polish Prime Minister and former President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, also in X.

Earlier this month, Tusk warned of a “great danger” for France and Europe following the far-right’s victory in the first round of French elections.

Tusk had in particular alleged “Russian influence” on “many radical right-wing parties in Europe”.

Colombian President Gustavo Preto has already congratulated the French New Popular Front, which is predicted to be the winner of the elections.

“There are battles that last only a few days, but that define the destiny of humanity. France fought one of those battles. The Popular Front won. The Nazis are retreating. Humanity has a new opportunity,” said the Colombian on his profile on the social network X.

Estimates released after the polls closed in the second round of the legislative elections indicate a victory for the New Popular Front, with 172 and 215 deputies, while Emmanuel Macron’s bloc could count on 150 to 180 seats, ahead of the far-right party, with 115 to 155 deputies elected.

In the first round on June 30, the far-right party managed to win legislative elections for the first time, obtaining 33.1% of the vote and almost doubling its support since France last elected its National Assembly in 2022.

It was followed by the left-wing alliance New Popular Front (which brings together socialists, ecologists and communists and is led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s radical left party France Insoumise (LFI)) with 28%. Ensemble (Together) obtained 20%.

The French legislative elections were called by Macron, following the defeat of his party and the sharp rise of the National Rally in the European Parliament elections on 9 June. The election of a new executive was not due to take place until 2027.

Read also: “Hope” and “downfall”. Reactions to the Left’s victory in France

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2594212/pedro-sanchez-sauda-sim-dos-franceses-e-britanicos-ao-progresso-social

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