In the city of San Luis, Argentina, a 3-year-old boy was rushed to the Pediatric Hospital after suffering a ferocious attack by a pitbull dog. The incident took place when The boy tried to pet the animal and it reacted violently and unexpectedly.

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The small He received bites in the mouth, right eye and nose. In addition, two of his teeth were extracted.

After the attack, the boy underwent emergency surgery and now is in intensive care recovering, according to local media.

Her mother lived moments of terror when the pitbull attack occurred

“My son was playing when the dog suddenly appeared and attacked him in the face. He was rushed to intensive care and then to the operating room. The operation went well, but he will need eye treatment and future plastic surgeries,” the victim’s mother recounted.

The dog, apparently a stray and without an owner, was loose in the neighborhood. The mother said that when she saw the attack, she tried to intervene.

“The dog threw my son to the ground and bit him in the face. I tried to separate them, but I fell to the ground. My sisters arrived and managed to get the dog away,” the woman added.

Although the child is out of immediate danger, will remain in intensive care for postoperative recovery. It is anticipated that she will require additional plastic surgery to repair damage to her cheekbone and mouth.

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