Dand according to the poll, Harris receives 50% support among voters surveyed and Trump 49%, a result within the margin of error (plus or minus 2.1 points).

In all the key states for these elections – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – the two candidates appear tied.

Trump’s campaign team has already responded to this poll, saying that its results are manipulated, although it has not presented evidence to support this claim.

The poll reveals, among other data, that a high number of Democratic and black voters said they “will definitely vote”, showing that the likely Democratic candidate is managing to mobilize the party, more than the candidate who withdrew from the race, President Joe Biden.

When asked who is mentally better prepared to be president, respondents give the edge to Harris.

However, when asked which candidate is best positioned to boost the US economy, Trump comes first.

The Democratic candidate leads the poll among female voters, where the majority of respondents say that Trump favors the interests of men more than women.

Among the black electorate, Harris is also the one who appears ahead, with better results than those obtained by the now withdrawn candidacy of President Joe Biden.

Respondents also say that the policies Biden is pursuing are very similar to those Harris advocates in her election campaign, although a significant percentage identify her as being further to the left than the current President.

On the sensitive topic of immigration, 52% of respondents said that if Harris wins the election, more immigrants will cross the border than with Trump (6%).

On another relevant topic, 68% believe that if Harris wins she will try to make abortion legal in all states and only 11% believe that she will leave this decision to state governments (as Trump advocates).

The survey was conducted among a sample of 3,102 registered voters in the United States between July 30 and August 2.

Meanwhile, the CNN television network today published an average of four recent national polls — which, among others, includes the CBS poll — that show that Trump has 49% of voter support and Harris has 47%.

Read Also: USA/Elections. Harris interviews several vice presidential candidates today

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2610124/sondagem-da-um-ponto-de-vantagem-a-harris-sobre-trump

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