“A The Church needs Mary to rediscover her own feminine face, to become more similar to the one who, as woman, Virgin and Mother, represents her model and her perfect figure”, said the Pope on the day the Catholic Church celebrates the Solemnity Day of Saint Mary.

At the New Year’s Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, Francis argued that the world needs to “look to mothers and women to find peace, to escape the spirals of violence and hatred, and once again to have human eyes and hearts that see.”

Before senior officials of the Roman Curia and other authorities and faithful, the Pope appealed to “all of society” to “welcome the gift of women, of every woman, respect them, care for them, value them.”

Because, he stated, “whoever harms a woman profanes God, born of woman”, of Mary.

“Our time, empty of peace, needs a Mother who brings together the human family. Let us look to Mary as builders of unity”, urged the pontiff.

The Church has celebrated World Day of Peace at New Year since 1967.

This year, to mark the date, the Pope published a message in which he addressed the risks of Artificial Intelligence.

“Artificial intelligence must be understood as a galaxy of different realities and we cannot assume ‘a priori’ that its development will make a beneficial contribution to the future of humanity and peace between peoples. Such a positive result will only be possible if we are able to act responsibly,” he said.

Read Also: Pope asks those involved in wars to listen to “the voice of conscience”

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2471472/papa-defende-que-igreja-deve-redescobrir-o-seu-rosto-feminino

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