“QWhat place do I reserve for the Word of God where I live? There are books, newspapers, televisions, telephones there, but where is the Bible?” asked Francisco during the mass in which the ministries of catechist and reader were conferred on lay men and women.

Stressing that “The Gospel is the book of life, simple and brief”, he lamented that, “despite this, many believers have never read one from beginning to end”.

The Argentine pontiff also asked other questions to the faithful: “Do I have the Gospel at my fingertips in my room? Do I read it every day to guide me on the path of life?”

“I have advised you many times to always carry the Gospel with you, in your pocket, in your wallet, on your cell phone. If I love Christ above all else, how can I leave him at home and not take his Word with me”, he said, highlighting: “While society and social media accentuate the violence of words, let us cling to the sweetness of the Word that saves.”

Read Also: Pope says he is scandalized by children not visiting parents in homes

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2484991/papa-francisco-lamenta-que-haja-crentes-que-nunca-leram-um-evangelho

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