NIn his message at the Sunday Angelus in St. Peter’s Square, in the Vatican, the head of the Catholic Church appealed to believers to pray “for the peace that the world so desires and that today more than ever is at risk in many places”, holding all humanity for this and calling for “everyone’s cooperation” to build it with “gestures of compassion and courage”.

Francis asked believers to pray “for people suffering from war, especially in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel.”

The head of the Catholic church also remembered the victims of forest fires in Chile, asking for prayers for the “dead and injured in the devastating fires” in the country, in the central region of the territory, in Valparaíso, where the flames have already caused the death of 51 people.

There is, however, fear that the number of victims could increase significantly in the coming hours, in what is already considered the biggest fire in the country’s recent history and the biggest national emergency since the 2010 earthquake.

In his Sunday prayer in St. Peter’s Square, the Pope also called for an end to human trafficking, stating that “too many people are being exploited.”

The Pope also recalled that East Asia is preparing to mark the Lunar New Year on February 10, hoping that the festival will be “an opportunity to live relationships of affection and to manage tensions that contribute to the search for a supportive and fraternal society where each person is recognized and welcomed in their inalienable dignity”.

Read Also: Pope condemns “terrible increase” in attacks against Jews around the world


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