US President Joe Biden Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Thursday that he supports holding new elections in Venezuela after the July 28 elections, where the ruling party declared the re-election of President Nicolas Maduro, with results questioned inside and outside the country.

>>> See more: President Gustavo Petro calls for “new free elections” for Venezuela

Biden briefly appeared before reporters before boarding the presidential helicopter Marine One.

When a journalist asked him if he supported the call for new elections in Venezuela, he simply replied: “Yes, I do,” without offering further details.

Is Lula Da Silva in favour of repeating elections in Venezuela?

On Thursday, during an interview on Radio T, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva suggested two possible solutions to the post-election crisis in Venezuela: the formation of a coalition government that includes members of Chavismo and the opposition or the holding of new elections.

Lula’s statements immediately provoked a reaction from the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who He said he does not think it is “prudent” to call for new elections in Venezuela now.

What did Gustavo Petro say about Venezuela?

Meanwhile, Colombian President Gustavo Petro, He suggested for Venezuela a “national front” like the one that existed in Colombia in the 20th century, in which liberals and conservatives took turns in power as a “transitory” step towards a “definitive solution” to the crisis, in an idea similar to that suggested by Lula regarding a coalition government.

Maduro’s victory in the July 28 elections was declared by the National Electoral Council (CNE) without publishing the voting records, and the Biden administration considers that the winner was opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia, according to the records obtained by the majority opposition bloc.

After the elections in Venezuela, The governments of Brazil, Colombia and Mexico have begun talks to find a solution to the crisis, a mediation effort that has the support of, among others, the United States.

>>> You may be interested in: Petro says that “a political solution for Venezuela depends on Nicolás Maduro”


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