The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, hospitalized since last Monday to treat an intracranial hemorrhage, He was discharged this Sunday by his doctors, who clarified that the progressive leader will have to remain in São Paulo until Thursday for control exams.
“The president was discharged from the hospital but not medically discharged. Some control tests are still necessary, such as a tomography that he will undergo on Thursday before he can return to Brasilia,” stated his personal doctor, Roberto Kalil, in a press conference.
The specialist explained that the 79-year-old head of state was authorized to leave the hospital and that initially He will go to his private residence in Sao Paulo.
The press conference was interrupted by Lula himself, who appeared in the surprise auditorium already dressed and ready to leave the hospital, but wearing a Panama hat to, as he admitted, hide the healing because of his vanity.
The president made a short statement to thank him for the care, admit that he was scared when he found out about the amount of liquid (blood) spilled on his head and let him know that he is ready to work and resume his activities as president.
Lula da Silva will have some restrictions in his work
Kalil clarified that the progressive leader will be able to resume his normal activities as president, but that he will have to work moderately for at least the next 60 days and that physical activities will be completely restricted.
“With the exception of walking, all physical activities are prohibited. You can do other activities, but in moderation. But you can return to your normal activities, such as meetings in your office,” he said.
The doctor also stated that Lula will only be able to travel to Brasilia and resume his work in the presidential palace from Planalto if the tests he will undergo until Thursday do not show any alteration.
He also said that all his international trips are prohibited until further orders and that Lula will only be able to make short flights.
After emergency surgery on Monday night in which doctors drained the intracranial hematoma that was detected after he complained of severe headaches, Lula was subjected on Thursday to a second intervention, preventive, complementary and lower risk.
It was an embolization of the middle meningeal artery to minimize the risk of possible new intracranial hemorrhages.
The bruise was a consequence of the fall that the president suffered on October 19 at the Alvorada Palace, his official residence. when he hit his head in the bathroom and had to receive five stitches in the back of his head.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/dan-de-alta-al-presidente-lula-da-silva-tras-haber-sido-sometido-a-dos-cirugias-cerebrales-cb20