The story of Clayton Keller, a 32-year-old teacher who decided to leave his job to dedicate himself fully to parenting his two children, has caught the attention of Internet users.

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When Keller and his wife conceived their first daughter, the woman quit her job to be at home with her baby and share her early years with her. Now a second child has arrived to the family and with him the man’s determination to leave his job to be at home.

While the Virginia professor is keeping his children at home, the woman has a remote job. This would “allow both of them to be at home and spend more time together,” Keller said.

The story was shared by Business Insider. In the interview with the media, the man said that the idea of ​​making this change in his life was initially proposed by his wife.

“She asked me if I would be interested in leaving my job to take care of the kids while she went back to work and I said yes,” Keller said.

The professor resigned from his job in the local government, although he was able to keep as a part-time teacher to help with household expenses.

“Our decision was not for financial reasons, but luckily we managed to maintain a balance with our previous income,” Keller said.

How does Clayton Keller experience fatherhood after leaving his job?

Days after making the change in his life, the professor seemed more relaxed and confirmed that his fatigue had increased.

“Ironically, I wake up earlier than ever. “My daughter is still a baby, so a lot of my daily energy goes towards my little boy,” the man said.

Although he now only works part-time, Keller says he ends each day feeling far more exhausted than when he had a full-time job.

The father explained that “the emotional wear and tear is, by far, the hardest part, because at one moment the children are so happy and The next minute they are screaming at the top of their lungs.”

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